Welcome to Exhall Grange Specialist School
Exhall Grange is a 4-19 maintained school which provides a nurturing environment and meets the needs of children and young people with:
• Social, Communication and Interaction difficulties including Autism
• Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs • Physical difficulties
• Sensory impairment • Complex medical needs
Many of our children and young people are physically or emotionally extremely vulnerable or have life limiting conditions. Some have a combination of these. Some of our pupils are highly anxious and require a calm, predictable and nurturing environment in order to access school.
All our children and young people are able to access the National Curriculum.
Please watch the video below and find out more about our amazing school.
As a designated school for Visual Impairment we lead and manage the Vision Support Service for Warwickshire. The school also has a resourced provision on site, The Pod which is situated in a purpose built, separate building. This is for secondary pupils, usually Key Stage 4 and 5, who present with complex social, communication and interaction difficulties including autism and acute emotional and mental health needs who are unable to access a mainstream setting.
Headteacher’s Welcome
Welcome to Exhall Grange Specialist School website and we hope that as you explore it, you gain a sense of the caring and enabling ethos we foster here.
We are very proud of our school and especially our pupils.
We are committed to ensuring all our pupils reach their full potential and encourage all of our pupils and staff to ‘Be Your Best Self’ which encapsulates our core purpose.
Pupils are seen and known as individuals.
Our high quality, experienced staff are caring and have the expertise and attributes to bring out the best in every pupil.
We provide challenge and encourage resilience. All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level appropriate to their ability and needs. We are destination driven and focus on developing the skills our pupils need for independence, employment and life.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any more information.
Mrs Helen Seickell
Our Moral Purpose
Be your best self.
Our School Values
These are integral to school life and pupils are encouraged to develop these qualities:-
- Respect
- Resilience
- Confidence
- Motivation
- Aspiration
- Integrity
We prepare pupils for adult life, education and/or employment by developing these values, attributes, and attitudes. This is as important to us at Exhall Grange as the academic/vocational curriculum.
Our Vision
- That we strive to be an outstanding school that meets the complex needs of all our pupils and the communities they represent.
- That we constantly improve the quality of the learning outcomes for individuals by refining and refreshing our high quality teaching, reviewing our curriculum and by using assessment and targeting consistently and effectively.
- That all staff of the school, are committed to personal and shared development of skills that strengthen and support our strategic purpose and vision.
- That we remain open-minded as we seek to follow opportunities that strengthen our focus.
- That we maintain and develop self-evaluation and self reflection in ways that consistently focus on the best outcomes for individuals.
- That we undertake strategic planning that enables us to use our skills, expertise and ambitions to support all the pupils we work with.
Check out our latest news on Facebook
Easter Way, Ash Green,
Coventry, Warwickshire, CV7 9HP
024 7636 4200